Pam & Allen

Hello there my good people of Blogville!  I come to you on this afternoon so fine with the oh so wondrous news that the Otis & James Caravan of Love pulled out of the Minot station and into the Rugby station, not just to play a good, lively, and spirited game of rugby, but to also partake in the wedded bliss of none other than the wondrous and fine couple that are known as Pam & Allen! [ed.  Apparently wondrous and fine were your last two words of the day, right.]

This year, the Caravan of Love (sounds kind of hippydippy, I know) has spent more time on the road and less time in Minot than ever, and it’s been all so exciting!  It’s kind of like being on a world tour, if the world only consisted of North Dakota, which would be kind of strange, because in that case, Fargo would be China and Williston would be…well…whatever the other side of the world from China would be, and then Minot would be, well…Australia?  Somebody with more skills in cartography is going to have to work this up for me, as I’m not here to speak of any more worldly events, other than the totally and complete awesomeness that was the Wedding of Pam & Allen!

As is the norm with all of our wedding clients, we had a completely righteous time working with them (ha – you want to call it work, I call it making glorious pictosnaps!), and they couldn’t have been any easier to work with, and our day flew by with awesomeness!  We would like to sincerely thank one and all that helped us make these pics so great – to Pam & Allen MuchLove & Many Thanks – and to all my good peeps out there in Land of Blog sunning themselves on their rooftop terraces, – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. I like the pictures. We sure had fun that day. Now I have a new daughter. Hope you have many years together. We love you both so much. Love Mom and Dad (Kathy and Leslie)

  2. Great pictures!!!! Can’t wait to see you and all of the pictures from the wedding! The “Little Man” is soooooo cute. I loved having all of you at my house before the wedding.
    Love ya,
    Miss ya,


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