Alicia & Joshua

Hop aboard one and all, for the Otis & James Caravan of Love is about ready to take off, and this time we’re going to a special place of magical tall turtles called Bottineau!  I guess that we’ll actually have to hop into the WayBack Machine, because we’re going to have to travel back in time just a little bit.  So, if you push the empty Nite Train boxes out of the way, I think there is enough room for everyone to get on…alright…is everybody in?  Sweet.  Because here we go.

I suppose you’re asking yourself, ‘Self, why am I subjecting myself to a voyage in this 1977 Monte Carlo that’s been converted into some sort of a ‘WayBack Machine’…and is that bacon that I smell?’, and I’m here to give you answers.  First of all, yes – that is bacon.  Secondly, the reason for our voyage back in time to the magical land of giant turtles is because we are going to look at the sweetlysnaps of the wedded bliss of Alicia & Joshua!

You see, we had the good pleasure of being a part of this wonderful day, and we would like to give MuchLove & ManyThanks to Alicia & Joshua, the Wedding Party, and everybody else that made our work so easy!  Again, I apologize for the condition of the WayBack Machine, but after you see the samplesnaps, you’ll know that it was worth it.  Enough of these words, good people of blog – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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