The o&j Micro-Election!

Well, here you go my good people of Blog!  Your votes have been cast, the numbers have been tallied, and the results are below.  Remember, this was just an informal poll and in no way should be taken as a true indicator of anything, it was just a micro-election in the world of Blogville!

ManyThanks to everyone for taking part in the little experiment, now we’ll wait and see how accurate a barometer our micro-election was to the actual election!


::  UPDATE  ::  As of 12:50AM, the national popular vote is the exact same as our results.  Pretty good focus group, huh?!

2008 General Election :: Presidential Candidates

  • Barack Obama :: Democrat-NPL (52%, 45 Votes)
  • John McCain :: Republican (47%, 41 Votes)
  • Ralph Nader :: Independent (1%, 1 Votes)
  • Bob Barr :: Libertarian (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Chuck Baldwin :: Constitution (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 87

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By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.