The Children Diehl!

Oh my dudes.  And, by dudes, I’m not just talking about the dudes of the male gender.  I’m talking to all my dudes.  Woman and man alike.  You are all my dudes.  And, my dudes, I have sweet bippy news for you.

Yep.  You guessed it.  Once again the doors to the Otis & James Center for Fun, Fun Related Activities, The Study of Fun, and Quilting (O&JCFFFRATSOFAQ) opened up, and our holiday season became complete with another visit by an absolutely wonderful group that we like to call The Family Diehl!

In fact, all sorts of people all them The Family Diehl – but we call them part of the o&j family, as they have been with us for many a year now!  From when it was just the Otis & The James, to now, with the army of people that are chained up in the basement answering phones and packaging orders (it’s all legal…I swear…I think…just forget I said anything about it) – they’ve been with us every step of the way!

So, it was again with much joy that we welcomed them into FunCenter for some sweetlysweet holiday pictosnaps, as when they come through the doors, you know that Christmas is getting close!  They’re kind of like the metaphorical stockings over the metaphorical o&j fireplace – the holidays just wouldn’t be the same without them!

Before I get to weird with the analogies, I think we need to stop all of these silly words, offer up a big ol’ bowl of MuchLove & ManyThanks to The Family Diehl for once again giving us some of their sweet & precious time, and to tell all of our good people out there in Land of Blog as they sleep the night away to – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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