Dig Now, It’s Pamela & Zaidar!

Well hello there, my dear dear Friends of Blogworld!  I feel like it’s been ages since we’ve last seen one another (well, technically, we don’t really ‘see’, but we communicate through a series of one’s & zero’s that are transmitted across the interweb from one computah to another computah, but we’re not here to tech talk ((even though I do love to dork out on tech talk, but I’ll spare you)), oh no, we’re here for something else even more completely wonderful), and it’s so good to see your bright & shiny faces here again!

And the reason why I’m so excited to see one & all out there, you are asking?  Well, it’s because I have some superawesome sample pictosnaps to share with you!  My fellow citizens of Blogville, I bring you the good news that on a day not all that long ago [ed.  You always start it off like that.  Is it supposed to be some sort of an homage to Star Wars, or are you just out of ideas?  Just wondering.], the doors to the FunCenter opened up, and who should stroll in but the one & only Pamela & Zaidar!

For a time that was fun-filled, action-packed, star-studded, and all to brief, they came in and brightened up our lives!  And, just like that, they were gone again.  That’s how it always goes.  Yes, it’s sad, but if everyone never left, it would get kind of weird after a while.  And we don’t have a shower.  So, yeah.  With that in mind, I’d like to give a huge MuchLove & ManyThanks to this wondrous couple for giving us just a little bit of their sweet & precious time, and to all my good peeps out there in Land of Blog on this night so fine – Enjoy!

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Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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