The Family Guidinger!

Oh well hello there, my good friends of blog!  It’s me.  Once again, in the middle of the night, working my fingers off in order to get you the bestest of the bested sweetlysnaps to look at when you take a break from your upcoming work day, and let your mind and eyes wander off of whatever spreadsheet and TPS Report you’re working on to see what sort of photographic goodness might be going on in Land of Blog!  That’s why I do this in the middle of the night – so first thing in the AM you have all sorts of goodeis just waiting for you to visually devour!

And up first on this feast of photogary (it’s a word, we use it in the industry…only the most trained of all professionalls are allowed to use it) is the one and only, the always lovely & talented Family Gudinger!  On a day that was like today, except that it was not today, they stopped on down to FunCenter so Fun to have some sweetly snaps taken, and I’ve got good news for you – my dear peeps of blog, they brought the goods.  They could have phoned it in, but no.  This family would have none of that.  A game all the way.  You might be sitting there thinking, ‘Prove it, Mr. Otis.’   Well, I will.  Before I do, however, I’m gonna give MuchLove to this wonderful family for stopping down and giving us some of their sweet & precious time, and to all my doubting Thomas’s out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

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Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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