This One’s Goin’ Out To You, Brittany!

If I was a rock star, standing on a stage, every night there would come a point when the lights would dim down a little bit, the lighters or cell-phones would go up in the air, and I would dedicate a song to a certain someone out there.  It could be any number of people.  It could be to my lady, or to my daddy, or whatever.  And then I would sing some sort of total anthem of awesomeness that would bring the house down.

Well, my dear Friends of Blog, I’m not a rockstar [ed.  In your mind you are, but I thought the meds were supposed to help with that.] But I’m going to dedicate this one to Brittany, because – well – if Brittany was a song [ed.  Where are you going with this?] she would be a total anthem to everything that is awesome.  Because, she is straight up awesome.  And you can quote me on that.

There was a point in our not-to-distant past when the doors of the FunCenter opened up, and into our lives – however briefly it was – Brittany strolled in and showed us what awesome is.  I know,  you’re probably sitting there thinking that I’m talking jive, but all you gotta do is look at the samplesnaps below to know that what I’m telling you is the straight up truth.

So, raise your lighters in the air, and get ready for the explosion of goodness that is about to hit you over the head.  Before you do, however, we gotta give MuchLove to Brittany for stopping down to FunCenter, and to you, my lil’ peeps of blog – Enjoy!

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Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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