Late Night Jamboree of Pictographic Goodness (LNJOPG)!

Oh yeah.  You know what this means.  By the title of this thang, you should know that we’re about to embark on a late-night adventure of total bliss.  Well, I’m sure that there aren’t that many of you actually out there at this hour waiting for pics to go up, but if you happen to find yourself just staring at the blog at about 2AM on this fine night, then you are in for a treat.

Because we’re clearing the decks.  We’re doing some spring cleaning.  We’re getting bliggityblog all caught up and good to go.  Perhaps you are one of the patient peeps that has been waiting to see your pics (lotta p’s in that sentence, I will admit), and if that’s the case, I’m here to tell you – never fear.  Your blog is here.

So sit back, throw some smooth jazz onto your record player, and prepare to experience a sensation quite similar to floating, without actually being in a balloon.  With that, it’s time for us to start up the Late Night Jamboree of Pictographic Goodness!

Categorized as Musings

Summer Hours of Operation

Check this noise out.

Effective June 1st, our Hours of Operation will be changing a little bit.  Now, it’s not because we’re going to be laying out at the beach working on our tans.  Nope.  It’s because we’ve entered that time when we’re superduper busy taking Senior Pics & shooting Weddings!  This superawesome time, however, means that we’re not in the studio as much (plus, who really wants to be hangin’ out in the FunCenter when you can be enjoying the great outdoors, right?!)  These updated hours are as follow:

Wednesday – Friday: Noon-5PM

Saturday: 10AM-3PM

Closed Sunday-Tuesday

If you gots to get in touch with us during a time we are closed, just dial the digits (701.838.6181) and leave a voicemail, or e.mail us at  We’re all about the technology.

That is all.  Now it’s time for the beach.
