Behold! It’s Kaleigh!

Even though the word ‘behold’ is not solely used for religious purposes (or porpoises), it seems that the only time that the word is used is during things of biblical proportions.  These days, nobody ever really enters into a room with a pancake and says ‘BEHOLD!  I have a pancake.’  But there’s really no reason… Continue reading Behold! It’s Kaleigh!

Categorized as Seniors

World…It’s Taryn!

Alrighty then!  After a quick little break where the Otis & James Caravan of Fun got all busy with shooting a wedding and then resting our heads for a couple of days, we’re back at it again with many more happy blog images that are going to be floating through the interwebs and smashing into… Continue reading World…It’s Taryn!

Categorized as Seniors

Beep Boop. Flip Flop. It’s Clare!

Do you speak the universal language of computer?  Does you only communicate through ones, zero’s and beep-boops & flip-flops?  Because if so, then you should have had no problems reading the title of this post.  Roughly translated, it means ‘oh my goodness, how did we get so lucky to work with this lovely individual??!!’ I… Continue reading Beep Boop. Flip Flop. It’s Clare!

Categorized as Seniors

Whoa Now…We Got Some Kathryn!

Did you think that this hot afternoon of senior blog insanity was going to end?  Well then, my friend, you are sadly mistaken.  Because I’m just about to whack you over the head with some pictographic goodness from the ever wondrous and always charming Kathryn! I’m actually not going to hit you, because I really… Continue reading Whoa Now…We Got Some Kathryn!

Categorized as Seniors

Well Hello There…It’s Emilie!

Sometimes my words don’t do things justice.  So it’s time that we break the mold a little bit.  I’m just going to lay it down all simple-like for you. Emilie=awesome. That’s all you gotta know, my peeps.  So, take a moment, give MuchLove to this absolutely wonderful lady, and be sure to – Enjoy! [nggallery… Continue reading Well Hello There…It’s Emilie!

Categorized as Seniors

Look Out Now…It’s Krissa!

Again, I really don’t know what you should be looking out for.  It’s not as if Krissa is going to be barrelling down the street in a semi-truck that has no brakes and she’s headed toward the homecoming parade and just happens to be one of those trucks that hauls cars to dealerships sitting at… Continue reading Look Out Now…It’s Krissa!

Categorized as Seniors

Holy Smokes. It’s Mya!

I think the title says it all.  Actually, I don’t really even know what the term ‘holy smokes’ means.  Maybe back when smoking was the ‘in’ thing to do, you could take them to church and have them blessed.  Or perhaps you could pick up a pack in the church basement after the services is… Continue reading Holy Smokes. It’s Mya!

Categorized as Seniors