Behold! It’s Kaleigh!

Even though the word ‘behold’ is not solely used for religious purposes (or porpoises), it seems that the only time that the word is used is during things of biblical proportions.  These days, nobody ever really enters into a room with a pancake and says ‘BEHOLD!  I have a pancake.’  But there’s really no reason why this can’t happen, as no particular group actually owns this word.  So, let’s make it our purpose to use this word a little more often.

For example, I am using it as the title of this blog post – not just to work the word into casual conversation, but because I want  you to stop what you are doing and take a moment to behold the wonderfulness that is the superseniorsamplepictosnaps of the ever-lovely Kaleigh!  I don’t want you to just quickly glance at these pics as you cruise through the world of interweb, oh no…I want you to stop and take a moment to smell the roses…uh…or rather look at the pictures that are just waiting for you beneath all of these silly words!

But not yet!  Because before we start gazing, we need to give MuchLove to Kaleigh for giving us some of her sweet & precious time – you were wonderful!  And to all of our goodly peeps out there in Blogville just doin’ their best to earn an honest days wage – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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