Well…It’s The Newest Addition To The Family Guss!

Seeing as how we have a case of baby fever here at the Otis & James FunCenter (parents of seniors, don’t worry – it’s not contagious), we thought we would keep the theme up with a little visit with The Family Guss!  Well, not that the whole family is in these pics, but later on we will have an update to this post that will, so one day this will all make sense.  Well, not everything in life, just this one particular blog post.

Now that we have that out of the way, let me just tell you that – once again – we are blessed with the gift of beautiful children that appear before our pictosnapery device (camera, for you lay people) – not that all children aren’t beautiful, because they are, but it seems like every one that walks through the door of the FunCenter is ripped from the pages of a Baby Gap ad campaign.  I don’t know how our mojo got so good, but cheers for however it happened!

But enough of this stammering about, let us now give some love to this beautiful family, give some love to all our peeps out there doin’ what they gotta do to get buy, and remember to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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