Stand Back Folks…It’s Kristina & Seth!

I don’t know why it is that I’m advising you to ‘stand back’ – maybe it’s because you just need to make way for this wonderful couple that we are about to showcase on this wonderful digital place that we call blog.  Blogville.  The Land of Blog.  Whatever.  It’s a place where I write these silly words and then we put up some lovely pictures.  Call it what you need to – just be sure to come back, and keep coming back every day that you are alive.  Cool.

So, now that you’re with us for life (and no cheating on us with any other websites – just think of the interwebz as a place for you to visit the place), let me tell you a little story about a lovely couple that came on into the FunCenter for photographic fun and had their supersnaps taken!  Well, I think I already told you the story in that previous sentence, but I didn’t tell you their names…Kristina & Seth!  And even though I told you that in the title of this blog post, whatevs!  It’s my party and I’ll repeat myself if I want to!

Now is the time when we thank this lovely couple for giving us a little bit of their sweet & precious time – you were wonderful!  Now, go & gaze lovingly at their samplesnaps, and be sure to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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