The Newburg United Class of 2011!

Ladies & Gentlemen…it’s that time of year again.  The time when the one & only, the Newburgh United Class of 2011 comes to the FunCenter for their sweet senior class picture!  Now me, coming from the land called Twin Cities just finds it so cool that their are Senior classes that have three people in them!

I do remember when I graduated (well, I actually don’t remember all that much, but that’s a story for another day) there were many, many people in my senior class.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of about 400.  The deal with that is that when you graduate, there are people that you don’t even know standing side by side with you.  There are people that you were friends with your freshman year that you just lose track of and you wonder if they even go to school with you any more, and then you look at the graduation program and sure enough their names are right there with yours, and you wonder ‘how did that even happen?’

Now, as far as Newburgh United goes, they aren’t going to have that problem.  And that’s a good thing.  In fact, that’s a great thing.  Because I can guarantee you that this senior class are going to be friends forever.  BFF’s, if you know what I’m saying.  I know this because the time that we spent together at the studio was a blast – they were all a treat to work with, and even put up with the weirdness that is Otis.

But enough of this rambling – now is the time that we need to give this senior class a huge helping of MuchLove, and wish them nothing but the best as they travel through life, and to you, my good people of Blog – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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