A Senior Quick Teaser || It’s Bethany!


Say what now?  You want to see some pictoriffic senior portrait goodness on your computer screen right now?  And you still call it a computer screen?  Well then, have I got the goods for you!  And those goods go by the name of Bethany!

Now, I don’t want to subjigate Bethany to being a ‘thing,’ because she is far more than that – she is a person, dangit!  And not just any person – she is a lovely person filled with pictographic goodness (and I’m sure all sorts of other goodness, but during a shoot we only have a limited amount of time and we find that it makes people kind of uncomfortable when we try to pry into their souls during a shoot ((let that be a lesson for all of you photog’s just starting out))) and we are here to demonstrate through the miracle of the interwebs just how awesome she is!

And how will we do that, you ask?  Simple!  As soon as these words are done you are going to gaze at the lovely sample snap of this wonderful lady and you will be filled with happiness!  And if not, then it’s because you are a curmudgeon.  So, now is the time that we give MuchLove to Bethany for being so awesome, and to all the good peeps out there in Blogville – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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