A Senior Quick Teaser || Forrest!


Lorem Ipsum.  I might as well be typing that all up in here because with the samplesnaps as sweet as they are, this is really just placeholder text.  But I soldier on.  Or I solder on.  Whichever.  And I do it because I want to give at least 35%, 19% of the time.

My peeps.  These words…they have no meaning.  The only thing that really matters is that there was this place in time and space that wasn’t really all that long ago when this man named Forrest stepped into the world of o&j, and the rest is pictographic history.  It’s all ones and zeroes now.  But the deal, the deal is that all of this digital-ness equals out to be some pretty awesome pics.  And that, my good friends, is what matters.  So now, we put these silly words down, and we get to the part where we give MuchLove to Forrest for stopping by FunCenter, and we remind all of you good peeps out there in Blogville to – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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