Hello there again my good peeps (or as I just typed, pepps…pep pep) of Blogland! Â I do trust that the weekend was wonderful for everyone, or that the week has started out great, or you are enjoying this day off, or that you enjoyed your day of work, or that you will enjoy your day of work, or that it is a great day at school…I don’t know where to stop because I don’t know when you are going to be reading this. Â Sooooooo…stop.
We’re here today because it’s time to take a look at some more superawesome senior pictosnaps, and this time we’re gonna do it Jimi style.  What can I say about this man that hasn’t already been said?  So I’m just going to tell you what I know.  First, he was great to work with and we send him MuchLove for stopping by FunCenter and spending a little bit of time with us.  The second thing that I know is that if everything that my records indicate is correct and his name is Jimi (and I’m really hoping that it is, because I always like to give people their actual names and not some sort of a made up name because there has been a communication breakdown, which also happens to be the name of a TOTALLY AWESOME song by Led Zeppelin, but that’s another story for another time) then he shares his name with one of my all time favorite musicians.  You guessed it, Jimi Nezzershcmidt, polka drummer extraordinaire!  I kid.  There’s only one Jimi when it comes to music, and if  you don’t know who it is…your loss.  So, to all my good peeps out there in Land of Blog kicking back at the end or at the beginning of another wonderful day – Enjoy!
Listen to this. The guitar solo might just change your life.