A Senior Quick Teaser || It’s Whitney!

And the Friday hits just keep on coming, one right after another!  This time the happy picture that is about to go up in to the land of the interweb is none other than a happy picture from the ever-lovely Whitney!

Oh my peeps.  Whitney was wonderful to work with – she brought charm & style into the place of the otis and the james and our lives for, if even for a brief moment, changed for the better!  As soon as she left, however, we went back to our skulduggery.

But now is not the time to speak of that, now is the time for us to give MuchLove to Whitney for letting us be a small part of her senior year, and it is also the time when we tell all of you wonderful peeps out there reading these words when you should be doing other more important things to – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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