A Senior Quick Teaser || It’s Heather!

And the wheels of time just keep on rollin’ through our lives.  What was once new and fresh finds itself old and stale.  Out with the old, in with the new.  It’s a vicious (not viscous…or maybe it is) cycle and one that is and has been repeated since the beginning of time.  Well, the old is out, and the new is in.  And the new, in this instance is the ever lovely Heather!

There was a happy time that wasn’t or maybe was all that long ago (but still not long enough ago where it’s old news) when Heather stopped on by the Otis & James Center for Fun And The Study of Other Things Related To Fun And Or Whatnot (you figure out the acronym for that yourself, I gotta keep on tippytappy typing here) and let us take some senior pictosnaps for her.  And it was yay!  You heard me right…it was yay!

But enough of me reinventing the english language, let us instead get to the point in these words where we give MuchLove to Heather for being so wonderful, and where we tell all of the happy peeps out there in Land of Blog to – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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