What’s That? It’s Danielle Time?! Yay Danielle Time!



Clearly a Neanderthal has taken over writing the titles of these things, as that might be the most non-cohesive example of a headline ever.  Other than the time the Minot Daily News published a story about one of the zoo animals passing away – the headline read ‘Roosevelt Zoo a Lonely.’  I actually cut that one out and still have it.  There’s no way to look at it and not laugh.  Having a bad day – boom.  Read that headline and you’re good to go.  True story, btw.

But that’s not the point.  The point is there was this day when the grass was green and there was this old looking structure that was painted white and then Danielle was there and then we were there with camera and then pictures were taken and then here we are now.  End of story.  Except I forgot the part where Danielle was awesome in every way – and she made the shoot completely awesome!

So now is the time that we’re going to send MuchLove to Danielle for stopping by the o to the j and sharing a little bit of her time with us, and it’s also the time when we tell peeps in blogland to – Enjoy!

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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