Man Oh Man…It’s Jasmine!

Jasmine!Seriously.  Do I really have to type in any words down here?  Like…just take a look at the pic above and you will understand pretty much everything that you need to know about our time with Jasmine.  Totally.  Wonderful.  Not lying.  Truth.  Straight up.

There was this time, and there was this place, and there was a Senior (Jasmine) and there was a photographer (Jamie) and all of it got mixed up together in order to create something absolutely wonderful – and the results will testify to the fact that our goal was accomplished.  And it wasn’t because of anything we did – it was all this lovely lady!

But enough with all of these words.  It’s time for us to give MuchLove to Jasmine for being so wonderful to work with, and it’s time to tell all you good peeps out there in Blogville t0 – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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