It’s Thursday. It’s Dylan.

Dylan!Not gonna lie.  Just pretty much phoning it in when it comes to putting a title to these posts.  There’s no need for me to pretend that there is some long and drawn out process for coming up with one of them – and I know I’m not fooling anyone.  So I’ll just get it of of my chest and feel good about it.  So in this case, I’m just stating the obvious.  It’s Thursday.  And this is Dylan!

The Thursday part is inconsequential, really.  For all that I know you are reading this on a Tuesday.  But as it’s being published it’s happening on a Thursday.  The part that really matters is that it is Dylan, in fact that’s all that matters!  See now, there was a day, and there was a time and there was a Dylan and there was a photographer…well, you know the rest.

Pictographic goodness was made, and that again is really all that matters.  Dylan was awesome to work with (duh…just take a look above this gibberish that I am currently typing) and we would like to send him MuchLove for choosing the o to the j to be small part of his senior year.  And to all my other good peeps out there in Blogville just doin’ what they gotta do to make it through another day – Enjoy!

PS –

Dylan is a great name.  I especially dig it because me & Bob Dylan…we’ve been through a lot together.  Here’s an extra treat for you.


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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