Hey Now…It’s Brecklyn!

What do you think…should we just forgo all of the dumb words that I would put at the top of one of these blog posts and instead just get right to the point, and the point being that we are here to take a look at the samplepicstosnaps of the oh so lovely Breklyn and that our time with her was magical and fantastical and we wish that every day could be this awesome but it would be like if you ate choco-chip cookies for every meal at first it sounds like the best idea ever but then you don’t appreciate them as much as you used to before the 24/7/365 choco-chip cookie diet that your on and then your whole world falls apart and so we understand that every day can’t be a Brecklyn day but we are so happy that we had one day that was a Brecklyn day and we will cherish it!  What do you say, forgo that part?

While I’m waiting for your answer let’s take a moment to give MuchLove to Brecklyn for being wonderful and for stopping by the o&j, and let’s also take one quick second to remind all of you peeps out there in Blogland that you are beautiful, and to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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