Well, It’s Mekenzie!

I always act surprised in the titles of these things.  As if I had just been sitting here and then BOOM there were pics in front of me that we all like ‘POST ME ONLINE NOW’ which I’m pretty sure that if my computer did that I would most likely run and hide in fear of my computer because that was clearly the day that SkyNet went live.  But enough about The Terminator.

We’re here right now at this moment in time to take a quick look at some samplesnaps from McKenzie!  She’s one of our Seniors.  She was awesome and decided to go with us for her pics.  But she’s also just awesome all the time, regardless of her pictographer choices.  And for being so awesome and for also giving us a little bit of your time, we want to give you MuchLove!  And to all you other peeps out there in wherever it is that you are doing whatever it is that you do – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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