Afternoon Break: Kaitlyn Time!

Alright just put down everything that you have going on right now because it’s time for an afternoon break because doggone it you deserve it, right?  Right!  So sit back in your whatever it is that you’re sitting on (comfy chair/cardboard box/don’t really make a difference as long as you’re taking a load off) because I’m gonna spin you a yarn about a time that wasn’t all that long ago when a lovely lady by the name of Kaitlyn stopped by the O to the J to have her seniorpictosnaps taken, and I’m here to reassure you – my good people of blog – that Kaitlyn was totally awesome to work with!

Alas, as I’ve said many times before, you can hardly call this work when the people that we work with are so wonderful!  As usual our time was all too fleeting (I guess it would be kind of weird if we kept our seniors here forever plus there might be some laws that we would be breaking too) so it’s just best that we savor the memories of picture taking time through the samplesnaps below!  But wait!  Before you go off and check out the goods we gotta give MuchLove to Kaitlyn for being so awesome, and to the rest of you peeps enjoying a late September day when it is 90º+ out right now – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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