Nathan & Nicole!

Bringing our big day to a close on Wednesday was the lovely couple, Nathan & Nicole!

They warmed up the winters night (is that a cheesy cliche or what) with their playful ways – uhhhh…that sounds kind of creepy, but rest assured again fellow bloggers, as their was nothing but good times going on!

Again, let me be clear, these two came to the studio and we all had a great time with this fantastic couple! The photographs were great, and it’s because the people in the photographs were great! We thank them for taking time this evening to come and visit us, and would now like to offer up some pics from the night – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. What a gorgeous and lovely couple! I want to see ALL of the other pics ASAP! Love you guys! ~Britt

  2. You guys are gorgeous together and the love you share is visible even in the photos. Nicole, I’m so happy for you!!! I miss you soooo much! Nathan – so looking forward to meeting you.

    See you in July! (yikes, ND HERE I COME!!!!!!!!)


  3. MY ANGEL!!! I love you so much and I am sooo happy to see you complete with your sole mate!! I wish the 2 of you the best of luck and I never thought I would say this but ill see ya in NORTH DAKOTA!!! HAHA

  4. You are such a beautiful couple. The photos capture that so easily! I am so glad to be your maid of honor! It means a lot to me that you asked me to fill that roll. Love you!

  5. Nicole, WOW! Congrats! I just happened across these beautiful photos when I was checking Otis & James blog (I tend to do this periodically when on the net…I LOVE their work!) & I thought man that girl looks SO much like Nicole, then I read the title and the blurb…haha…what a surprise. The photos look great…boy, do I wish Otis & James had been around for Jeff’s & my wedding! Congrats again!

    all my love from CA,
    Tiffany Anderson


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