Once Again…It’s Courtney & Brandon (With Special Guest, Hurley!)

One of the great perks of this job – well, there are a ton of perks of this job, but just one of them is that we have the chance to see families grow up right before our very eyes!  Take, for example, Courtney & Brandon.  It was just last summer that we had the goodlygreat honor of shooting their wedding pictures – and then here we are nine months later and this couple is right on the verge of becoming a family!!

How does that old song go, ‘time keeps on tickin’, into the ocean’ – and indeed it does.  The ocean of life, or time, or something.  I’m not actually sure I have that lyric right.  Either way, time moves on and this lovely couple is about to become a lovely family – and we couldn’t be any happier for them!

Well, I’ve quoted a song, so it is time for us now to put these words to bed and get to the part where we all stare lovingly at the lovely pictosnaps!  But, before we do we need to give MuchLove to this wonderful couple for once again giving us some of their sweet & precious time, and to all of you out there in blogville – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

Well…It’s The Newest Addition To The Family Guss!

Seeing as how we have a case of baby fever here at the Otis & James FunCenter (parents of seniors, don’t worry – it’s not contagious), we thought we would keep the theme up with a little visit with The Family Guss!  Well, not that the whole family is in these pics, but later on we will have an update to this post that will, so one day this will all make sense.  Well, not everything in life, just this one particular blog post.

Now that we have that out of the way, let me just tell you that – once again – we are blessed with the gift of beautiful children that appear before our pictosnapery device (camera, for you lay people) – not that all children aren’t beautiful, because they are, but it seems like every one that walks through the door of the FunCenter is ripped from the pages of a Baby Gap ad campaign.  I don’t know how our mojo got so good, but cheers for however it happened!

But enough of this stammering about, let us now give some love to this beautiful family, give some love to all our peeps out there doin’ what they gotta do to get buy, and remember to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

Please Welcome The Newest Addition To The O&J Family…

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At 2:33PM on Thursday, April 7th 2011, our world got a little bit brighter with the addition Graham Giovanni.  This as of yet unnamed handsome man weighed in at 6lbs 6oz., and measured 18.5 inches in length.  Mom, Dad & Son are all happy and healthy & resting after a busy day.  We are so, so, so happy right now!

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Categorized as O&J

Hey…It’s Kamden (& Grandma Too!)

Here’s the deal.  We’re the kind of photo-graphers that don’t care what your affiliations are in life.  We don’t care if you’re a Vikings, Broncos or even a Green Bay fan.  We will love each and every one of you the same – no matter what!  The only thing we ask is that you are kind to your fellow man – if you can abide by these rules, then you are good in our book.

But even if we were a die-hard Vikings fan (one of those peeps that is a glutton for punishment season after season after season), there is no way in this green Earth that we could not love working with this young man called Kamden!  Man oh man, he was a true joy to work with (if you even want to call it work) and we had an absolutely wonderful time together!  Pictographic magic was made, my peeps!

So, we’d like to offer up a big plate of MuchLove to Kamden (& Grandma too) for stopping by and giving us some of their lovely time, and we’d also like to remind all of you out there to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

It’s The Family Hovde!

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again:  There is no substitute for cheese.  Wait.  That’s not what I wanted to say.  What I meant to say is this:  I don’t know why it is that we get so lucky with having the best looking and most wonderful clients, but we do.  And we are so thankful for it.

Case in point, The Family Hovde!  On a day that wasn’t all that long ago, they stopped by The Otis & James FunCenter For The Study of Fun and Shiny Things (O&JCFFATSOST) to have some lovely pictosnaps taken.  Now, some may have entered our funzone and just stood there for the camera and looked like bumps on a log.  But not this family…oh no.

Instead, they had a natural ease to them.  The rocked it, they rolled it, they pretty much tore the whole thing up.  But why should I keep on typing these crazy words when I can just have you look at the samplesnaps for proof?!  So, MuchLove to this wondrous family for giving us a little bit of their time, and all of you out there in your happy homes – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

BEHOLD! It’s Alexis & Scott!

OK.  I’ll admit it.  Sometimes I’m in the dark here a little bit at the Otis & James Emporium of Fun and Photo-graphy.  Some might say that I’m detached, or aloof.  But I’m really not – I’m just too cool for skool…HUZZZAHHH!  But sometimes, when gathering up images that will be a part of an online gallery or a blog post, I just ask myself ‘Did we really shoot that?  Because I have no idea what is going on here.’ – and I’m finding myself in this pickle right now.

Because this beautiful couple that we had such a great pleasure working with, well…their shoot is going along like you would normally think.  Lovely pics, all couple-ly and what not, and then – suddenly – lab coats & beakers.  I have no idea.  None.  I wasn’t in the shoot and my lovely partner Queen James is busy having a baby, so I’m just going to chalk this up to ‘well, we’ve done that now.’  The pics are great, by the way.  In fact, I wish we had more beakers in our shoots!

The need for delay being gone, now we shall give MuchLove to this lovely couple, and we shall remind all you good peeps of blog to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Engagement

World, It’s Desiraey!

It’s rather bold of me to think that I’m in communication with the whole world through this whole ‘blog’ thing, but I double-checked and it is called the ‘world-wide-web’ (or, ‘the online’) and the implication is that it’s going out to the whole world.  Except for China.  Or any other place that blocks websites.  Or doesn’t support Net Neutrality.  But that’s a whole different story for a whole different time.

Also, I think that she likes to be called Desi.  But I could be wrong in this assumption as well.  I’m wrong quite a bit of the time, but this is something that I’ve grown used to.  But this is neither here nor there.  And we need to get somewhere.  And the place that we need to get is where we tell give Desi MuchLove for giving us a little bit of her sweet & precious time, and when we tell all of you out there in Blogville to – Enjoy!

Lock Up Your Kids, It’s Kinzey & Jenn!

I think the title pretty much sums up the whole thing.  I could try to explain it in greater detail to you, but there’s no point.  Just know that this dynamic duo is a force of nature that no man, woman or child will ever be able to reckon with.


Categorized as Portraits

The Beautiful Family Anderson!

Shazaaam!  I’ve been taking an online writing course, and my digital instructor says that if you really want to capture the readers attention that it’s best to lead off with something exciting!  In this case I used the word ‘shazaam’ to pull you in.  I know, you might be sitting there thinking that I’ve played some sort of a trick on you, but it’s only a literary trick – there is no actual harm involved.

Alright, now that I’ve got you, let me tell you a quick little story about The Family Anderson, and how one day they wandered into our studio and we had the goodlygreatlygoodfortune of working with them!  And this story would go on to say that we couldn’t have asked for a better family to work with – they were all so lovely and so friendly!  And after I was done telling you that, I would take a moment to to give so MuchLove and so ManyThanks to this family for giving us some of their sweet & precious time!  Well, shiver me timbers it looks like I’ve just gone & done all of that!  So, without any further wait – Enjoy!

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