Oh well, hello there again. It”s time once again for another edition of blogcast. By no means are you required to listen to this monstrosity, but if you’re looking to waste a good 45 minutes of time, this just might be the way to do it. So, sit back…relax…and prepare to fall asleep. And, of… Continue reading Of Cabbage Patch & Freak Flags
Category: Blogcast
From time to time, there will be an auditory delight or nightmare posted here. It all depends on your point of view.
Scarves & Friends.
After a hiatus of not long enough, here’s another blogcast. Listen, if you have run out of everything else in life to do.
Hollywood Pizza Party
Afternoon. Pizza. Otis, James, KooKoo, LooLoo, MooMoo, CooBoo, and Suzie! What more could you ask for?! MuchLove! o&j
Goodbye, Benjamin D!
Scenes from a park. No rhyme, no reason. Just a little goodbye. All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
The Interview Show
This Is The End?
Fall On Your Knees
Meat Flavored Clothing
Who Wears Short Shorts?
I do.