GRGG v.10 || The Ollie & Evee Edition!

You know what?  I don’t even have to put any words here.  Nope.  Don’t have to at all.  Because these two adorable children are just too awesome for words.  I’m just telling it to you straight up.  I ain’t got time to sugar-coat it.  They are freaking gorgeous.  So, without any further delay, and with a huge MuchLove to these children & their equally gorgeous parents – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.9 || The Family Cunningham Edition!

Hello again.  It’s me.  And I’ve got some lovely pictosnaps to show you.  But, me being me and all, I gotta throw a few words before we get to the goodness.  So, here we go.

At the Otis & James Center for the study of MuchLove, quite often, we have the good fortune of working with individuals and families over the course of…well…some for just about as long as we’ve been in business for!  Take for example The Family Cunningham.  We were first graced with their presence all the way back in 2006!  Back then, Jamie & myself were just a couple of kids.  I had a flowing head of hair, and was just starting to grow my first mustache.  OK.  Maybe Jamie was just a kid, and I just had a fewer wrinkles and a less grey beard.  Whatever.  That’s not the point.

The point is that the first time we encountered this family was for Senior portraits of their always lovely twin daughters, Lacie & Lindsey!  After that, we took some prom photo’s, we took some family photo’s, and through it all we kept on thinking, ‘Man – this is one nice group of people!’  There must be something in the water over in Glenburn.  Good people.  Indeed.  Good people.

And time went on.  More wrinkles happened, more grey hairs appeared.  It’s all a part of the deal.  But sometimes, the deal can be kind of raw, and more than a little unfair.  And over the past year or so, we have sent so much love to every member of this family as time has altered their universe.  When I first met this family, way back in 2006, I was in the process of having my universe altered too, of having to say goodbye to my father.  And after it happens, you find that everything is just a little bit off of center.  You lose your balance, and you have to figure out a way to regain it.

And over these last years, I have learned that every day I live, I carry with me the love which was given by those that have moved on.  It’s right there, on my heart.  Smiling over me, taking care of me.  And I know that the members of this family have this same love smiling over them, and taking care of them!

Well, time marches on, and once again we had the goodlygreat fortune of working with this beautiful family – of working with every member of this family!  And, as we expected, they were all beautiful and knew how to work it.  MmmHmm.  When Family Cunningham rolls through, it’s going to be a cavalcade of goodness.  And that’s a fact Jack.  So, MuchLove & ManyThanks to this lovely family, and to you – all our faithful of blog – Enjoy Every Day!

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GRGG v.8 || The Family Kitzman!

Are you ready to rock?  I said…ARE YOU READY TO ROCK???!!!  Because when this family is around, that’s what you’re going to be doing.  They’re not one of those ‘Kenny G’ families (no offense to you, Mr. G – but you’re kind of vanilla.)  Oh no.  This family is a thunderbolt of awesomeness wrapped in a fireball of fun.

You dig what I’m sayin’?

Cool.  We want to give a superduper MuchLove & ManyThanks to this family for stopping by the FunCenter and sharing some time with us, and we can’t wait until you guys come on back again!  We’ll be here with bells on!  Not literally, but you catch my drift.  OK.  Time to blast off to the pics – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.7 || The Hunter (& Mom Too) Edition!

Kids.  Aren’t they kooky?!  They’re all small & stuff.  Crazy.

OK now.  MuchLove & ManyThanks for Hunter & Mom for stopping by the studio and giving us a little bit of their sweet & precious time, and to you, all you good people of blog out there in your blog homes reading these words – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.6 || The Macen & Aspen Jack Edition!

Gather ’round the campfire, now…because I’m going to tell you a story about a couple of lovely children that stopped by the Otis & James Center for Fun (you can call it the FunCenter if you like, or even if you don’t like.  Whichever) to have their snippysnaps taken.  Good Lord.  What if we actually called them ‘snippysnap sessions.’  Ugh.  But moving on…

The doors of the FunCenter opened up, and these two lovely peeps came in and dominated the world of photogary.  And yes, I know that photogary is not a word.  But I make the rules around this digital place, and I hereby deem it to be a word.  And these two dominated it.  What’s that?  You want proof of my heady statement?  Well then, I suggest that you just take a look at the pics below and you’ll find all of the proof that you need!  But wait!  Before you do that, we should give MuchLove to these lovely children for visiting the FunCenter, and to you – you happy bright and shiny people of blog – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.5 || The Anjuli (& Puppies Too) Edition!

Who doesn’t love dogs?  Well, I’m sure there are people out there that don’t.  And actually, I’m sure that there are quite a few people that don’t.  I’m sure some people are cat people, some people are hamster people, and some people are even snake people.  Looking at that sentence, I guess that I would never really care to be categorized as a ‘hamster person’, but that’s just my own opinion.  Back to the matter at hand.

Somebody that loves dogs is the one & only Anjuli!  And because of that, she’s alright in my book.  So no matter what, Anjuli, you’ve got that going for you.  You know.  Being alright in my book.  Sooo…yeah.  OK then, let us give a huge MuchLove & ManyThanks to the ever lovely Anjuli & her wonderful pupperhounds, and to you, all my lovely peeps of blog, be sure to – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.4 || The Family Stayton Edition!

Hello there.  It’s me again.  I’ll bet you’ll never be able to guess why it is that I am here.  So I’ll tell you why.  I’m here because there’s happy family pictures for you to look at.  And is there any other better reason for me to be here than that?  And did that sentence really make any sense?  The answer is no to both of those questions.  So I suggest that now, we put all of these silly words aside and take in these lovely pictosnaps.  And a word of advice to all of you out there – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.3 || The Family Berg Edition!

Did you know that in their free time, The Family Berg practice intricate line dancing routines that have won awards around the world?  Well, now you do!  Actually, I’m not sure if that is actually a fact, but it seems to me that I heard something about it once.  Or maybe I dreamt it.  Oh well.  Either way, we had the goodlygreat pleasure of working with them in the not so distant past, and we would like to give them a big ol’ MuchLove for stopping by the FunCenter!  Oh, and to all you other good Friends of Blog – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.2 || The Courtney Edition!

So you’re sitting there thinking that you might want to be a model someday?  Well, you’d better make an appointment to spend some time with this lovely little lady, because she can show you the ropes.  Not gonna lie, she’s a total pro.  MmmmmHmmm.  Much Love to Courtney & her entourage (Mom) for giving us a little bit of their sweet & precious time, and to all you other good peeps of blog sitting out there enjoying your summer afternoon – Enjoy!

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GRGG v.1 || The Family Blotter Edition!

You know what I like?  Well, you probably don’t.  But, one of the things that I like is The Family Blotter!  You know why?  Because they’re awesome.  And you can take that all the way to the bank.  But there’s no cash value.  But enough of this blather, sit back, relax, and – Enjoy!

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