Julia & Josh!

I’m not going to waste any more time than necessary with a bunch of words here because these pics are just too good.  So let me just get to the point and say that we are so stoked (do people still use that word) for the wedding of this beautiful (and Yogatastic) couple!  So MuchLove… Continue reading Julia & Josh!

BEHOLD! It’s Alexis & Scott!

OK.  I’ll admit it.  Sometimes I’m in the dark here a little bit at the Otis & James Emporium of Fun and Photo-graphy.  Some might say that I’m detached, or aloof.  But I’m really not – I’m just too cool for skool…HUZZZAHHH!  But sometimes, when gathering up images that will be a part of an… Continue reading BEHOLD! It’s Alexis & Scott!

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