BMWNROR v.19 :: The Lindsay & Darin Edition!

There was a land and a time, a long long time ago…to be exact…it seems like we were not even at our current location, when we were first introduced to this couple, and now, oh so many years in the future, we found ourselves lucky enough to work with them for the first time (I’ll give you a hint what they’re next time will be – she’ll be wearing a wedding dress), and what a wonderful time it was!

I’m not sure if that paragraph made any sense, but these words really don’t need to make much sense, all that they really need to do is convey the idea that Lindsay & Darin came to FunCenter, and they rocked it up.  Straight up.  No lie.  MmmmmHmmmm.

So, now that you know the story, me thinks it be time to put these words to bed, give MuchLove & ManyThanks to Lindsay & Darin for stopping by and being so wonderful to work with, and say to all of me peeps out in Blogland – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

FNBM v.6 :: The Nicole & Toby Edition!

Dear Nicole & Toby,

I just wanted to let you know that you guys are awesome.  I know this may be a little forward of me for saying this, especially after we’ve only taken pictures that one time, but I’ve just been sitting here thinking about it, and I’m pretty sure I can say this, and know that it is true.

You know how like you just know things sometimes, and even though you may putting yourself out there too far by saying it so quickly in the photographic relationship by saying it, but you just have to say it?  Well, this is one of those times.

I hope that you feel the same way about o&j.

OK, that’s it.  I’ll let you go now.  I hope that all is wonderful with both of you guys, and know that we offer up a big bowl of MuchLove to you!  And if you happen to see any of the peeps of Blogville around, tell them to – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

FNBM v.4 :: The Ashley & Chad Edition!

If there is one thing that I know about FunCenter, it is that we try to make the pictosnap taking process as painless as possible.  Really we do.  And really, when it comes right down to it, I’m not all that bright of a guy, and I really do only know about three things, two of which involve how to make a perfect Reuben sandwich, so I guess that it’s not really saying all that much to say that I do know this about the FunCenter, but – from what I understand – it’s good that I do know this, because it seems to be pretty important.

Like, you could all go to another photographer and they might make you feel all weird on the inside, and the time that you might spend with them may cause you to wince, or perhaps even wonder just how long a minute can really take, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with us.  I think it has something to do with the fact that myself, the Mr. Otis, likes to keep the studio at a balmy 67º during a shoot.  Always gotta have the music playing, and the air has to be moving, and cold.  Time moves much faster then.  It’s fact.  Scientific fact, and who am I to argue with science.

Again, what does this have to do with the totally awesome couple that is Ashley & Chad, you are probably asking yourselves?  You see, they too had a good time…or at least they pretended to…one or the other.  Either way it doesn’t make a difference because their snaps pretty much rocked, so it’s all good.  You heard me…all good!

With that antiquated bit of slang, I leave you now with MuchLove to this couple for wandering into our lives, and to all my good peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

FNBM v.3 :: The Kelly & Ryan Edition!

And the train of love just kept on-a-rollin’, and this time our mission was to take images that were happening in real time, put some sort of a light source on them, and then to have the reflected light be caught on an image sensor that lurks behind glass and a shutter on our camera.  The subjects of this experiment were none other than new friends to the o&j empire (based more on empirical data than actual size or accumulated land), the ever-lovely Kelly & Ryan!

They, along with two canine friends (I’m sorry, I forgot the names, so I’ll just refer to them as the Huckelberry Hounds), bounded into the FunCenter just a rarin’ [ed. Is it frontier days around here, or what’s the deal with the ‘rarin’, and what exactly is ‘rarin?’  Just wondering] to go!  And, as you’ve probably already guessed, all was wonderful and perfect in the FunCenter for this wondrous shoot, and the results were fantastic (it must be something that we put into the air, and I’m thinking it’s Gonesh #2, in case you’re wondering)!

Now is the time that we give MuchLove to this couple for taking time from their day and giving it to us, and next comes the part when we tell all of you out there in the Land of Blog to – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

BITTE v.15 :: The Brittany & Brandon Edition!

Dear Brittany & Brandon,

Ummm, well…I don’t know how to say this, other than to just say it.  You guys were awesome.  Really.  I’m not making this one up.  Totally and completly.  You were meant to take pictosnaps together.  And really, what else is there?

That’s all.  Give our best to…well…anybody you want to, I guess.

With MuchLove & ManyThanks

P.S. – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

BITTE v.14 :: The (Soon To Be) Family Lien Edition!

Oh hi.  It’s me again.  You know what that means, right?  It’s time for more totally sweet pictographic madness, and this time it’s with a lovely group of people that I am going to call The (Soon To Be) Family Lien!  We had the goodly great pleasure of welcoming them to our studio not all that long ago for some family/ (and, for those of you that still don’t get it, are ‘engagement’ pics.  Got it?  Great.)

We had a simply smashing time during our time together, and they couldn’t have been any more friendly or easier to work with!  As usual, however, we had to eventually stop taking pictographs and say our goodbye’s.  Even though this is sad, we’ll always have our sweet sample snaps to be our memories of a time gone by [ed.  Should I cue the sad music here?].

ManyThanks & MuchLove to this wonderful group for giving us a bit of their time, and to all my good peeps out there in land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

BITTE v.13 :: The Allison & Patrick Edition!

Hey all you kids out there in the Land of Blog (we’ll call you LOB’s…for short!), do you know what time it is??!!  It’s time again for another edition of The Otis & James FUNfact!


Allison & Patrick, which are the two wonderfully lovely people pictured in the wonderfully lovely pictosnaps just a little bit down this page, well, here’s something I bet you didn’t know about them:  For fun, they like to restore combines from the 1960’s, and sell them on eBay under the username of ‘NDcombineluvr08’…look for them there!  They don’t like to brag about it, as it’s just more of a hobby than anything.  Last year, they restored over 62.  They don’t sleep much.

And that concludes FUNfact!!!!

MuchLove & ManyThanks to this lovely couple for giving us some of their sweet & precious time, and to all my good lasses & lads out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

BITTE v.3 :: The Evonne & Al Edition!

Evonne & Al are being studied by NASA and the Food And Drug Administration to see why it is that they are so awesome.  Although it seems strange that these two agencies would be studying them, who am I to question such things (I just hope they don’t get sent to outer-space or something like that.)  Not only have we heard about this awesomeosity, we’ve also had the pleasure of witnessing it firsthand during our pictogaphic snapshoot for some sweet!  It was a wonderful time, filled to the brim with all things good!

And they also have a pet tiger.  MuchLove & ManyThanks to this lovely couple for stopping by FunCenter, and now, Ladies and gents of Blog, I present to you Evnonee & Al – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography