There was a land and a time, a long long time ago…to be exact…it seems like we were not even at our current location, when we were first introduced to this couple, and now, oh so many years in the future, we found ourselves lucky enough to work with them for the first time (I’ll give you a hint what they’re next time will be – she’ll be wearing a wedding dress), and what a wonderful time it was!
I’m not sure if that paragraph made any sense, but these words really don’t need to make much sense, all that they really need to do is convey the idea that Lindsay & Darin came to FunCenter, and they rocked it up. Â Straight up. Â No lie. Â MmmmmHmmmm.
So, now that you know the story, me thinks it be time to put these words to bed, give MuchLove & ManyThanks to Lindsay & Darin for stopping by and being so wonderful to work with, and say to all of me peeps out in Blogland – Enjoy!
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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography