
It seems like almost all of our posts are something about changes being made to the site/office, and that the title of these posts usually ends with an exclamation point. This time, I left out the exclamation, and instead just borrowed a line from that old sage Bowie.

In an effort to present a truly well-rounded voice to the blog of Otis & James, I attempted to have James – aka Jamie – make this post. After about an hour, we had not made much progress other than this photo:

I took the photo, Jamie sweeted it up. She had the post all ready to go, but due to a variety of reasons it all fell apart in the end. Instead, we’re back to the one-sided Otis only version of events. I swear, we’ll get her posting up here.

Back to the post, we are happy to tell you that we’ve uploaded new photo’s into the Weddings, Seniors, and Portraits pages. New and Improved…Better Than Ever…Try it today.

otis out

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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