Daxon & Ann

After what has seemed like an eternity of e.mails and telephone calls, Otis & James finally had the great, great pleasure of meeting Daxon & Ann this past Thursday (even though I was convinced that we were meeting the previous Thursday), and then yesterday found ourselves at their long-awaited reception! We were supposed to meet some time ago, but due to some problems in Jamestown (which may or may not have involved Otis, the authorities, and a travelling carnival) were never able to do so. And then, we had our early October Super Snow Storm, which made it seem like we woudn’t have a chance to meet them yet again! In our minds, it seemed as if we had been waiting forever to meet them, but in perspective, our wait was nothing.

Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day stuff that can bog a person down. It’s easy to get all wound up in things that really aren’t that big of a deal. Yesterday, at the reception for this beautiful couple, it was easy to see the things that are truly important. It was easy to see the love that is between this couple, and their families. When we find ourselves in a situation such as this, the photographs are just given to us – all that we do is turn the camera on and point it in the general area and the rest just happens.

We were lucky to work with this great group, we were lucky to work with this great couple, and we are lucky for the sacrifice that those such as Daxon have made, and continue to make, for us every day. We thank Daxon & Ann for this, and we wish this couple all the happiness life has to offer – Enjoy!

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All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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