
This past Friday we were joined by a special guest star in the Otis & James Studio – Steven! Making the trip from far far away was not only Steven, but also his super-friendly family! They got started with us, but then left us to our own devices here at the studio. Now some people get scared when they are left alone with both Jamie and myself (more so with Jamie, and those of you that have worked with her know what I’m talkin’ ’bout) – but this was not the case here. Oh no, Steven showed us what it was all about, and I would say that not only did we do alright, but Steven totally tore it up at O&J Central!

We thank both Steven and his family for coming down to visit us, and I will now stop flapping my gums, and will get to some highlights from the evening – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Steven you look soooo cute!! I better get all of your pics so I can hang them up in my dorm room. All the other girls will be so jealous. Love you bunches

  2. Your pictures look great, Steven! You are truly a handsome young man. Your blue eyes really show off in one of the pics. WOW!!!! Good luck in all you do.


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