And Casey Too!!!!!!!!

If you read your previous post, you will see I made mention of Keith traveling down from Watford with his friend Casey this past Tuesday. Well Casey, this is your post (there should be confetti and balloons at this point)!! Again, there was an abundance of realllly lame weather, so we were only able to do the indoor section of the shoot, but she cranked the intensity up to Full, and we made the most of our time together (which was roughly about 14 hours.)

We laughed, Jamie thought we were crying, we broke crab rangoon together, and for the life of us, we couldn’t get a Diet Coke for anything. Seriously, what does a man have to do to get a Diet Coke? We thank Casey for being so great to work with, and for being so patient with us! She too will have more photo-graphs later when we finish up the shoot, but for now take comfort in the great images she created – Enjoy!!

And to bridge the gap from the last post to this post:

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


After 42 previous attempts, we finally managed to get in some studio photographs of our old friend Keith this past Tuesday. He (along with friend Casey – but more about her later) made the trek from Watford City, to be able to spend the day with us!

By now, we feel like Keith is family – we’ve even been to his house and met extended family! He was great to work with – his smile lit up the room. Maybe it had to do with the fact that this was also his birthday (I’m sure he anticipated spending his big 18th with Otis & James – because most people do), but he coudn’t have been any friendlier (is that a word?) Due to the extremely super lame weather, we invite you to stop by soon to see the exciting conclusion to the shoot, as we never want to let go of Keith and will do anything to draw it out even longer than it has already been.

I’m going to quit all my talking, and am just going to show you some pics. To Keith, we say Thank You for all of your patience and hard work, and to you the reader – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Ahhh…Fall In Minot!

The view from the left:

:: click image for larger ::

The view from the right:

:: click image for larger ::

I don’t think we’ll be doing much shooting outside today.
Click here for the forecast!

Categorized as Musings

BTMFB v.5 . Lacy!

Our day yesterday ended with a visit from Lacy! She was totally awesome – she has a smile that could light the world on fire (I think I stole that line from Lenny Kravitz, but it’s true ((even if I’m unsure of what it means.)))

All I know is this – she came to the studio and totally rocked it up good, she had completely insane light up shoes, and we look forward to spending more time with her in the future as we complete her shoot. For now, I will conclude this final post of BTMFB, as I must be readying the O&J Fortress against a coming Blee-zard!!! So, bundle up, and Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

BTMFB v.4 . Andrea!

Yesterday was another early morning in OJ World (not Simpson). Bright and earlly we were visited by our friend Andrea, and her lovely assistant (Mom.) We turned back those golden slumbers from our eyes, and had a great time together!

Andrea had a buch of great ideas and even brought some furniture with for the shoot (a first for us!) We rocked it up in the studio, and then later that night she came back again for some super-top-secret-undercover-of-the-night type photo’s. She was great, and I want all ouf you out there to check back soon for the dramatic conclusion to her shoot! So for now we offer thanks to Andrea for her hard work, and to the rest of you – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

BTMFB v.3 . Alison!

There are a couple of great songs about Sunday morning – these are more secular than the traditional Sunday fare – they are Sunday Morning by the Velvet Underground, and the other is Sunday Morning Coming Down by the Man in Black himself, Mr. Johnny Cash. Check them out today.

On this Sunday Morning, we walked through the deserted streets of Minot with our friend, Alison. She gave us a ton of great ideas, and was even brave enough to venture to the lake (which looks very Atlantic Ocean-like in this pic) with us (very windy/very cold)! We thank her for all of her hard work, and be sure to tune back in to see a couple of more samples as soon as we finish the shoot – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

BTMFB v.2 . Tara!

By now, we should all come to understand that there will somehow be an exclamation point in the title of all the posts. I’m old school. Some may like to use things such as 🙂 or 😉 or maybe even 🙁

But seriously, it takes me about five minutes of looking at the keyboard to figure this sort of stuff out. Stupid emoticons. So I’ll just stick with the good ol’ exclamation point. Again, what does this ranting have to do with Tara – absolutely nothing, other than if I had to use one of those other punctuation devices to describe our time with Tara, it would be nothing but 🙂 because such fun was had with her this past Saturday!

Tara, along with her faithful stylist Miranda stopped by the ‘excitement zone’ (aka our studio – but I think calling it this will really drum up the business) for some super-duper-senior-rockem-sockem-pics! They were awesome – Miranda had enough energy for everybody and then some, and Tara was totally great to work with. You know what, I’m just going to shut my word flapper and get on with the pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

BTMFB v.1 . Jamie & Jared!

This last Saturday we funned it up in the good ol Studio with our new friends Jamie & Jared! They were sharp dressed, ready to take on the town. But before they did, they managed to stop by O&J Central for some snappity-snaps.

We look forward to working with them in the future; in the year 2856. You see, they are not of this earth… I kid. They are from this earth, and we will be photogs (I love that term) for their wedding. The big show will actually be this coming year – so all you O&J Bloggers (I shall call you all O-Gers) should keep your eyes peeled for their thrilling conclusion!

Thank you J&J – and Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

The Acronym Today Is…


Blogging Till My Fingers Bleed

Get ready to rock, my children. For ye are about to see some insanity rollin’ on down the tubes. We’ve got another day for some serious ketchup (mad props to Snail Lake Elementary) – so here we go!

Peace Y’all

Categorized as Musings

Racia…The Conclusion!

This morning we reunited with our old friend Racia, for the thrilling conculsion to her Senior Portraits. We motored around on the newly fixed Otis & James-mobile, didn’t once break down, and managed to get a bunch of super-deluxe/super-fantastic pho-to-graphs!

We thank her again for being such a great person to work with, and as a reward to you the reader, we offer these snappy-snaps – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors