If you read your previous post, you will see I made mention of Keith traveling down from Watford with his friend Casey this past Tuesday. Well Casey, this is your post (there should be confetti and balloons at this point)!! Again, there was an abundance of realllly lame weather, so we were only able to do the indoor section of the shoot, but she cranked the intensity up to Full, and we made the most of our time together (which was roughly about 14 hours.)
We laughed, Jamie thought we were crying, we broke crab rangoon together, and for the life of us, we couldn’t get a Diet Coke for anything. Seriously, what does a man have to do to get a Diet Coke? We thank Casey for being so great to work with, and for being so patient with us! She too will have more photo-graphs later when we finish up the shoot, but for now take comfort in the great images she created – Enjoy!!
And to bridge the gap from the last post to this post:
All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography