Saturday Fun v.2

Our evening of family fun continued, this time with the family Vibeto!* We truly had a dance party goin on here – too bad the rest of you weren’t here, because after a frantic search for some Steve Miller Band (beware the flying horsie if you click that link), we found some otherwise suitable music and got our collective groove on.

They were dancin’, we were snapin’, and fun was had by all! Many thanks to them for coming down this evening, and to everyone else out there – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

*We are really hoping that this is the spelling of your last name. If not, please let us know and we’ll change it. Or, you could change it to our spelling. Whichever

Saturday Fun v.1

Normally, our world of Otis & James mostly revolves around Weddings and Senior Portraits. Sometimes, we like to shake it up a little bit and throw a little bit of spice into the mix. What kind of spice you ask? Not cumin, or sage, or even paprika (even though I’ve never felt that paprika adds anything other than color), but instead the spice of child.

We could just crawl into our safe place of Weddings and Seniors, but no – that would be too easy. You see, if we want to create a faster, stronger Otis & James, we need to push our creative muscle as far as we can. Even though ol’ Otis is practically afraid of these ‘little persons’, he refuses to let his fear come in the way of anything (I love it when I can refer to myself in the third person.) Take for instance this afternoon, when we had the great pleasure of working with the Stillerman family.

With motorcycles, guitars, and ballerina dresses, they came ready to have a rockin’ good time here in the studio. And let me tell you (all apologies to Dr. Sauer for starting a sentence with ‘and’, and for every other sentence structure and punctuation error that is made upon these pages), rock they did. Special thanks to our two guest assistants for wrangling our little ballerina, and to everyone else out there – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Keepin’ it Real with Adam

That title sounds like a bad public access television show that tries too hard to be hip and relevant. Then again, I the same could be said about me. Except I use the internet, and not public access. What does all of this have to do with Adam? Nothing. Not one thing. You see, Adam is unlike me in that he doesn’t have to try to be hip and cool, he is. He is also unlike me in that he has hair. And he has height. This list could really go on and on, but let’s get on with the post.

Adam came into our studio this evening, and turned the magic up to full blast. He rocked, rolled, and we were glad that he took the time to pay us a visit. We had a great time working with him, and we hope he feels the same way about us. Most people are unsure if they had fun, or if they were slightly creeped out. Like when we took him to the gym, and were all like ‘Let’s pose in this stanky hallway.’ He could have been all creeped out then, but he wasn’t…at least we hope he wasn’t. Let’s hope that fun was the verdict. OK then, let’s get up on the snap – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Katrina in the Evening!

This very chilly day came to a splendid conclusion with a visit from our western friend, Katrina and her assistants (Dad & L-O-L-A Lola!) To be sure, Lola was not of the human persuasion, and more of the canine type. Regardless of all this about a dog named Lola, we’re here tonight to instead talk about a human named Katrina!

Not just a human named Katrina, but a human that was totally and completely freakin’ sweet to work with! She brought out her A-game tonight, and the results were not just fantastic, but Super-Fantastic! I know, totally insane…but true. Katrina rocked it up, and we thank her and her faithful band for taking the time to make the trip east to see us. Perhaps someday I will make it west to their neck of the woods, but I don’t want to rush into anything.

Well, enough of my fear of going any further west than Minot, and let’s move on to the highlights from the shoot – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Michael in the Morning!

We awoke today to a very chilly morning indeed. Our endless summer seems to have come to an end, but that doesn’t mean that our Summer of Seniors has to come to an end. On the contrary, this morning we were joined in the Otis & James Nerve Center by none other than Michael and his faithful assistants (Mom & Nephew!)

Michael was a rip-roarin’ and a ready to go from the start! His ease in front of the lens made our job all the easier. We thank him and his assistants for taking the time to come down to not only visit us, but to say hello as well! OK, enough of all this blabbering and let’s get on with the pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Old Friends…

One of our original clients, Shannon stopped by the studio this evening – but this time she brought the whole family (and puppies too!) They may have claimed that they haven’t had a family portrait in a long time, but their ease in front of the camera makes me think they are actually paid professionals and they were just gracing us with their prescence!

Either way, they totally rocked it up here in the studio, and we thank them for making the trip to see us this fine evening. So – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Andy & Charity!

This past Sunday afternoon our old friends Andy & Charity finally came out from behind the scenes and moved up in front of the lens. Working with this gorgeous couple made our work as easy as could be (even the puppies were great!)

All in all, fun was had by all! Charity has been a part of the Otis & James family for a while now – some of our Seniors may recognize her from their sessions, so it’s always nice to work with friends! You know what, I’m going to stop stammering on like some sort of a drunken fool and will now move on to what were here for, the snappy-snaps – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Eric & Lindsey!

This past Saturday morning we were visited in the Otis & James SuperCenter by none other than our new friends Eric & Lindsey!

They shone their amalgamation of southern hospitality and west coast good vibes all around the studio, and the results were super-fantastic! We thank them for brightening up an otherwise dreary morning, and offer these snaps as a token of our gratitude – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Three Lovely Ladies!

Our day of a million photographs came to a sweet conclusion with a visit from the Spear family! What a total and complete joy these absolutely wonderful ladies were to work with!

We had fun coloring, reading, and sliding around the round white wall and seeing the red room! Every shot was awesome, and we thank this lovely group (and Mom too!) for coming down to visit us this evening. Thank you for bringing the day to a lovely end – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

The Family Aannerud!

The hits just came on a comin’ today at Otis & James, and this stretch continued with Original Otis & James clients, the Aannerud family! They’ve been with us (mostly with James) for a long time now, if you look closely you may even find some very younger versions of two members of the family in the Life category (big kudos if you can find it.)

The family was great to work with, and we got some totally sweet shots! We want to thank the family for taking time this evening and making the trek to the studio, and also for the bag of M&M’s left behind in the dressing room! Well, enough of these letters and spaces forming sentences, and let’s get to the pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography