MM . The Josh Edition

As I typed the title to this post, I almost left off the word ‘Edition.’ In fact, I did. It momentarily was just called ‘ The Josh.’ I really liked it; it seemed powerful, Donald Trump-esque. But after consideration, I thought that perhaps just calling it ‘The Josh’ would make it seem like we had been visited in the Empire of Otis & James by some sort of a Senior Robot – and this was not the case.

Instead, this past Friday we were visited by our new friend Josh, and his faithful assistant/GF Lexi! We had a great time together – we visited the part of the building that smells like bad Chinese food (just tell yourself that’s what the smell is), Jamie had him just cover up the ‘ans’ in ‘Titans’ for some reason only known to her, and I can safely say that fun was had by all (or at least I had fun, and that counts for something, right?)

We thank Josh and his assistant for making the trip to see us, and want to show just a smidgen of the sweetness that was had – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

MM . The Kile & Richelle Edition

This past Friday morning we had the great pleasure of meeting a future O&J B&G (for those of you not in the know, that’s Otis & James Bride & Groom – you gotta keep you brain a runnin’ if you want to keep up) Kile & Richelle!! The braved the cold of the outside, and then warmed up the studio with their total and complete (and I’m going to make up a word here) awesomedness (no relation to Loch Ness).

We had a great time together, and are totally looking forward to the big day next summer! So for now, pull up a chair and warm yourselves by the glow of their photographs – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

MM . The Family Ramirez Edition

Come with me, as we venture back in time to a place called ‘Monday’ – a day where we were surrounded by family that came from the land called Virginia. I know that this may seem crazy – you may tell yourself that we can’t travel back to this mythical place. But I’m here to tell you that indeed, we can travel back.

All that you have to do is: A)Let yourself go – let go of your pre-conceived notions of what time and space are, and – B)Hop on board the Otis & James Blog Express and travel the information superhighway back just a little bit, and we will soon all be back to where we once were. Got It??!!

Now that we’re back to this time, let’s see what’s going on. Oh…It’s longtime blog reader and poster Reba, and her beautiful family (Jessie and Little Jesse)! What a treat it is to have them back with us and in our studio! We were honored to not only be their official photographers, but to also be chosen as the God Parents to this beautiful boy. We thank them for coming up to the equally far away land of North Dakota to be with us, and trust that we will all be together again soon. So we travel back to the current time, and the family Ramirez travels back to Virginia, but we can still hop on that time machine and remember our Monday – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Midnite Meditations (MM)

I come to you at this late hour, my faithful bloggers, to offer up a delicious plate of blogging goodness. We are immersed in the world of photo-graphing and all that it entails, and offer up this missive to let you know that we are still here, we have not forgotten about the faithful, and are working as hard as we can to ensure that peace and love are the feelings that prevail!

A flurry of blogging activity is about to commence, so I want everyone out there to strap themselves in and prepare ye for all the juicy goodness that is about to begin! You may ask yourselves, “What does this mean?” – but instead I think that the true question should be “What doesn’t this mean.” Only then, will you understand that we are about to enter a world in which you are about to be hit over the head with some posts. Not literally. We will not actually be hitting anyone with a post, but figuratively. Our posts are in a digital format, your head is not. Our posts have no weight, but your head probably does. So the impact will be more intellectual than visceral, but I digress.

Let us now move to the business at hand, some good ol’ fashioned posts.

Keep It Real

Categorized as Musings