Scott & Linnzi

This past Sunday (I know I’m going out of order as far as the chronology of the posts go, but that’s how crazy I am…crazy) Otis & James Central took a break from its mini-vac (for those of you that don’t know what that means, you’ll have to look down a couple of posts to figure this slang out) for the occasion of taking some super-fantastic Sunday afternoon portraits of Scott & Linnzi (with a couple of special guests!)

This special Sunday was made all the better by the fact that the James part of the business wasn’t here…uh…that doesn’t sound that great – but the reason why it was all the better was that the part of James this day was being played by Otis, and playing Otis was Super-Britt! For those of you not familiar with all this role playing, let me break it down. James was somewhere on the East Coast – perhaps in an undisclosed location, and Otis was actually operating a camera (which for those of you that were wondering, he still knows how to do) and Super-Britt was doing what Otis normaly does – which is talks a lot and fiddles with the music while James does all the work.

OK, back to this lovely couple – they were awesome to work with! It was nice to see everyone all dolled up (especially you, Scott) and it was good to get Scott out from the front part of the building and in to the back part – because that’s where the action is!

We want to thank this lovely couple, and their super-awesome special guests (I’m talking to you, Leah & Autumn), for coming down and having fun with us on this Sunday afternoon. Well, I may have lost the majority of you at the second paragraph, but for those of you still reading – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. What a beautiful looking family…Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures…Luv ya lots and best wishes!!!

  2. Wow, you all do look great!! Can’t wait to head out there in June for the wedding. Hugs and Kisses 🙂

  3. Wow, you guys clean up nice. (He He He) You make a lovely family! Best Wishes for a wonderful life together!


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