
Our day of Seniors yesterday came to a lovely conclusion with a visit from the absolutely splendid Ashley! I don’t know what the story is, but all of our seniors that we’ve been working with lately have been totally awesome – and the same was true from Ashley.

We had a great time with her and her assistant (Mom), and we were able to get a ton of great snaps! A big Otis & James thank you to Ashely and her assistant for taking time to come down and visit us on this Presidents Day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Thank you so much for taking my pictures. I love the middle one a lot. They look great! thank you Matt and Jamie!

  2. ashley, your pic’s are beautiful and so are you. i love the first one! your red hair is amazing!!!
    o & j you rock!

  3. from a great admirer in New Mexico, you are a beautiful girl. I love all of the pic. Love and xoxoxoxoxo, the boys think you look great

  4. You look Great Ashley! Congrat’s on you’re final year of High School. Hope to see you soon.

    Love you’re Aunt, Uncle and cousins.

    The Thorenson Family


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