O&JWYB v.5: Chelse!

This afternoon we had the great pleasure of welcoming to the Otis & James Center for the Study of Things (O&JCFTSOT) none other than the lovely Chelse and her gang of assistants!

Why, you ask, did we have this great pleasure?? Well, the answer is none other than some souper (this is how I would like to spell the word from now on, as it reminds me of soup) fantastic Senior Portraits!

Again, could someone explain to me what the dilly-yo is on us and Seniors that are absolutely wonderful to work with? Chelse was a dream to work with, and we would like to extend the big ol’ Otis & James Thanks to her and her entourage for taking time to visit us on this beautiful afternoon. So, without any further waiting, let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Hey Girl! Your Pix look AMAZING!! I agree that we found the Greatest Place 2 take our Senior Pix! So I better get ALL of em’ ..Love Ya Bunches*

  2. Hey baby sis I like em!!!! I can’t beleive my baby sis is Graduating, boohoohoo, j/k, luv ya


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