
Alright now, we’re finally posting entries which correspond to shoots that have occurred during the same week – Hooray!!

This past Tuesday, we had a special visit from some new friends that came all the way from Montana!! Our super special guest was none other than the one and only Lillee! She also brought along an entourage, or as the kids are fond of saying, a veritalbe ‘posse’ that consisted of Mom & Big Sistah (I’m trying to keep it street, but for those of you that don’t speak street, Sistah is actually ‘Sister’ – I know, it’s confusing, but I trust that my fellow bloggerites will be able to follow.)

This was yet another shoot in which the Otis & James photographic team, consisting of James & Otis, were in awe of how this beautiful young lady was in complete control of the shoot. Plain and simple, with a cute factor as high as hers, the shoot straight up rocked. Straight up (again, street.)

We would like to thank these lovely ladies for visiting us on this afternoon, and would now like to let some samples out of our greedy computer, and share them with the world – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

1 comment

  1. WOW! O&J ROCK! We had a stupendous time at your house of fun to be had by all (O&JHOFTBHBA)! Thank you for the awesome pics. Next time we’ll throw the rest of the fam into the mix. Can’t wait to visit you again. We are looking forward to seeing the rest of the snaps. (I’ve been reading too much of your blog Matt… I am starting to quote you!)


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