Bailley (The Haiku Edition)!

I think that they best way to conduct this post would be in free form Haiku. Here goes.

Bailley came for snaps
She was gold and sparkly
How we love Bailley

A huge thank you to Bailley and her special guest for being so great to work with (as usual), and for being so totally and completely awesome. I mean, you inspired me to write Haiku, and I haven’t done that since third grade.

Rock On, Rockers, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Your dress is soooooo…. pretty!! You and Devin will look AWESOME!!
    luv always, emma lea

  2. Hey Bailley, pretty sure your pictures are adorable…although, a nice change would be a good old willow city jersey…i woulda come w/ a lansford cub’s one on…what a totally sweet reunion that would be..:)


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