Elyse…The Conclusion!

Many months ago, in fact it may have even been years ago, in fact Elyse may have started her Senior Portraits when she was still in grade school, in fact she may have even started them before we were born.

Ponder that, if you will, and then you will understand how exciting it was to experience the thrilling conclusion of Senior Portraits this past Tuesday for the one and only Elyse! We stared out at the home (where we had the great pleasure of experiencing all sorts of totally awesome animals – even a Llama ((do you capitalize that?)) – it was crazy!), and from there moved to super-windy bridges, and then some downtown, and then back to the Studio of Fun for the final snaps!

It was whirlwind, it was an adventure, and it couldn’t have been any easier due to the hard work of the lovel Elyse and her assistant – Mom! We would like to thank this dynamic duo for their great work, and their patience over the past year. So, we would now like to offer up some snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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