Scott & Linnzi

This past Friday, the O&J FunCenter had the good good great pleasure of attending the wedding of our old friends, Scott & Linnzi! As luck would have it, we also had all of our cameras/camera related gear with us, and it seemed like this could be the ideal time for us to take some sweet sweet wedding photographs!

It was a beautiful day, and we had an absolutely wonderful time working with this lovely couple and their wedding party (even though Jamie did use some pretty risqué words up on the altar!) We see Scott just about every day of the week (he works in the same building as our studio), but it was great to see him rockin’ out the world of clean-shaven, tuxedo-wearing dudes. And, of course, Linnzi was gorgeous as well! Rock on, my friends, rock on.

OK, let’s dispense with all of this jibba jabba and get to the goods, but not before giving a big congratulations and thank you to Scott & Linnzi – Enjoy

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

1 comment

  1. Where should I start?!?You all look so AMAZING!!!What a wonderful looking group of people…Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures…Congrats and Best Wishes!!!!


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