
Thursday evening was a treat. Not just because it’s one day closer to Friday, THE BEST DAY OF THE WHOLE WEEK…YEAHHH FRIDAY YEAHH!!!! Uhh…sorry for the freakout, but back to what I was saying; Thursday was a treat because the one and only Shannon stopped by the FunCenter (and that name is seeming freaky at the moment) for some Super Sweet Senior Pics! Hooray!

I could continue to tell you about how awesome the shoot was, or about what an absolutely beautiful evening it was, but that would just waste too much time as we tried to get to what it is that all of you are here for (how about that sentence), which is the sample snaps!

So, instead of all that, I will just say thank you to Shannon for stopping by the FunCenter (still strange sounding), and – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Shannon…you are so beautiful and the pictures prove it! Can’t wait to see all of the pics. Good luck choosing..uffdah!

  2. Shannon, I swear, you get more beautiful every time I see you. These pics are just fantastic! Not too difficult with such a great subject! Take care & have the BEST senior year,EVER!!

  3. Awesome photos Shannon! Love the one on the sample pg. too – very Vogue!Hope you are enjoying your SENIOR year šŸ™‚


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