Sunday Morning, Micaela Rocking!

There was no better way for us to start up a glorious Sunday Morning than with a visit from the even more gloriouser (it’s a word…it’s a seldom used word…alright…it might not be a word, but the O&J Thesaurus has taken a summer vacation and I’ve been left to my own devices, and plus it has run out of options for the word ‘awesome’, and since this word appears in every post ((I am a child of the 80’s, after all)) at least about ten times, it really has no value to me anymore, so as far as I’m concerned its summer vacation can last for as long as it has to…in fact, don’t even come back.) Micaela!

Normally, I would still be in the O&J Nest on the Sun Day, but on this particular day, spending a little bit o’ quality time with Micaela was the only thing we wanted to be doing! Why do I make such bold claims, you ask?? It’s because I speak the truth! Micaela was a total treat to work with, and she made the time just fly by. She didn’t even flinch when we found ourself next to the abandoned barn that had one lone mooing cow, and she didn’t even say a word as we found ourselves taking the super long way to get to the lake. Oh no, she kept on rocking through it all, and for that we want to say, you rock – straight up!

Did you really come here to look at the words?? No. So – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Micaela!!!!!!! My favorite neighbor! Your gorgeous! I love the pics especially the 1st one………….second one……….third one………..ok and the fourth…………OK so I love them all but can you blame me they are amzzing

  2. Micaela! aah i love your pictures. you look beautiful! they all look like you’re having so much fun and they’re so natural. i’ll be anxious to see more!
    xoxo laura

  3. ah. gorgeous. if i woke up every morning and looked in the mirror and saw your face i would be like..damn i’m fine. haha. no but really they are beautiful!

  4. Wow. You’re a gorgeous young woman Micaela. You definitely got your Mom’s good looks and undoubtely the heart to match! Best wishes to you for a GREAT SENIOR YEAR at Minot High…..

  5. micaela your pictures are so cute i love them..i really want to see the other ones to there so adorable!!

  6. micaela your pictures are so cute i love them..i really want to see the other ones to there so adorable!!

  7. OMG! Micaela, I absolutely LOVE your pics! the first, third and last are my favorites! O and J worked their magic once again and did an AMAZING job! ill see you on friday!

  8. Micaela, your pictures are amazing! Guess we know who got the good looks in the family (and a beautiful personality to match)! 😉 I had to show them off to everyone I work with too, Proud of you Girl! I can’t wait to see the rest of them! Love you!

  9. hey baby!! you look incredible, as always. they did so good on your pictures! god you are gorgeous! have fun this year, i’ll see you soon!

  10. Micaela,
    Awesome pictures you got there!! You have to show me some more..and i better get some!…Your senior year is going to go by fast, so take it for all its worth and enjoy every second of it!!

  11. Okay so the second to last one is my favorite of these and the third one too!! But i cant wait to see the rest!

  12. Micaela You are SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I love all your pics even though I know you said you don’t…I better get all of those and more…Love ya hope to see you soon


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