Wade & Erin

Not this past Saturday, but the Saturday that was the past of the past (we’re goin’ all the way back to the golden olden years that we call a couple of Fridays Past!), the Otis & James Caravan of Love Tour 2006 packed up and headed South, to a land called Linton!

What, my dear blogger is probably asking themselves, brought you all the way to this mythical place? Well, it wasn’t just a lazy afternoon drive, or a change of scenery that we were after. Oh no, it was the wedding of Wade & Erin that brought us to this woderful locale!

It seems like eons ago (is that really a word?) that we first had the good pleasure of meeting this wonderful couple, but here we were again, and it was the big time, the main event, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, their wedding!

We had an absolutely wonderful time with this wonderful couple and their wonderful wedding party in this wonderful town (did you see that – that’s four freakin’ wonderfuls!), and me thinks there are some pretty sweet shots of the big day. Well, seeing as how it’s been this long of a wait for some samplesnaps, I will now just say ‘thank you’ to Wade & Erin for being so great to work with over the past year, and to all you all out there in Blog Land – Enjoy!

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All content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. WOW, I especially like the photo of the guys sitting down and look at that hunk second from the right.

    Love, Kris

  2. Awesome pictures!!! But look at all the great faces they had to work with!
    See everything did turn out wonderful wonderful. It was a blast!

  3. WOW ! Otis and James you’ve done it again. These pics are great and I can’t wait to see them all. You really captured the day and its emotions. Thanks Again for all your great work THEY LOOK AWESOME ! Erin & Wade

  4. Beautiful pictures Erin and Wade! I can’t wait to see the rest. I like the second picture. You two look like you’re thinking “We really finally pulled this off!”

  5. These are the neatest pictures I have ever seen. Erin and Wade, your wedding was just beautiful and we were so proud to be part of the wedding.!


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