Mommy, Why Is That Rat Wearing an Apron?

This, and many other questions that have never been uttered from my thick and fleshly lips (is that too much imagery for all you’s out there in the land of blog?) could have been asked during this Totally Awesome friendlyfriend Picture Shoot that we had the great pleasure of shooting this past Thursday!

These were all old friends of the Otis & James Empire of Mediocrity (we rarely use this, our formal name as we’re not quite sure of the level of interest that this would raise, or perhaps it would be a ‘crazy like a fox’ strategery, and strategery is a word), so this session was one filled with absolutely nothing but good times, filled with a gooey center and wrapped in a deliscious layer of nuts. Did that sound not right?

Well, rest assured all of you out there in the land of blog and other things, our time with this fantastical group was completely right. It was right in every way, and we found out that the one and only E was great at worshipping. Does that make sense to you? Pro’lly not! But I just don’t care!! That’s how freakin’ crazy I am! Dang! Diggity-Dang!

Alright, now I’m just typing words to make this post look epic in content, but I might as well have a monkey sitting in front of the keyboard, but come to think of it, I am rather monkey-like. So, with all of this in mind, divide it by 3, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. hmmmmmmmmm

    this is a great group of kids.

    as are the two of you.

    minus the kids.

    but I’m gunna go slide my chair around and see if I get kicked out of the beer can.

  2. WOW! this pictures fricken (hope i can say that word?) amazing! man, what hot friends i have! i absolutley LOVE ’em. they definitley put the F in fabulous.

  3. Honestly, I don’t know if the world is ready for Nippins.

    And in all reality, I don’t know if the world will ever be ready for him (although, possible her seeing as how it was dressed.)

  4. Ohhhhhh we all look sooo good i love them we look like the cast of high school musical!!!!!! Gariella Troy Ryan and SHARPAY!!!!! i cant wait to get home and back to the o & J fun house


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