Some Statements In Regards to Erica, by Otis.

Erica is the world’s best assistant.
Erica is wonderful to work with.
Erica made the shoot awesome.
Erica is…totally awesome.

I thought that I should just start this post with some statements. You should be content with just those words, because anything else that I am going to offer up will just dilute what I have spoken to be the truth.

Perphaps those of you out there that are afraid of bold statements like that would like to hear me wax poetic about how Erica was a total and complete rockstar during her shoot, and how our time together just flew by, and how we would like to extend a huge ‘thank you’ to her for being so great, but all of this would just be a crutch for your potentially feeble minds. Some truth might just do you good. A wise man once said, Gimme Some Truth, and I think we should stick to that.

Erica rocks.

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Holy cow…I have a hot cousin!! hehe They look so cute!! I better get some of them when you decide which ones you are getting!! Hope your first day of school was good!! Love ya, ALyssa

  2. you look beautiful in your pictures erica! i love the polka dotted dress! its hard to believe we’re seniors.. seems like just yesterday we were cooking brownies in your kitchen and sleeping in tents in your backyard! see ya around.

  3. Erica i love the first pic, you look so cute in your 50’s style dress! All of them are great


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