Chris & Shannon

Gather ’round, and follow me on a voyage through time. Hop aboard the O&J Wayback Machine as we travel to a time that was a Friday Friday past, to a special time that we shall call the wedding of Chris & Shannon!

Now, even though this opening sentence of the post was filled to the brim with absolute cheez (that’s what us hipsters call cheese…you know…Velveeta), this wedding was filled with nothing but absolute wonderfulality! It’s not even a word…that’s how awesome it was! All was good with every aspect of this sweet day, and we just considered ourselves lucky enough to be a small part of it, and for this we’d like to offer up the ol’ O&J ‘Thank You’ (worthy of its own quotes, mind you) to them and to one and all involved with the day for making our time so easy – it is not us that makes photo-graphs good, it is those that are in the photo-graphs that make them great. I found that in a fortune cookie.

With all of this milling around our collective blogheads, me thinks it be time to put all of these tired words to bed, and instead head below (under other circumstances, that could have been the start of a beautiful poem, but this is not the time nor the place) and gaze at the lovely pixels that are the wedding of Chris & Shannon – Enjoy!

:: click images for larger ::

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Pictures are beautiful! Congrats to the two of you, I wish
    I could have been there to share in your special day! Wishing you year upon years of happiness.


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