Robbie & Carissa

Now, I bet you peeps out in blogland had thought that we had forgotten about you of late. Let me reassure you, we’ve been hunkered down in the FunCenter putting pixel after pixel together in order to create bright and shiny new pictures for you to see! I’m happy to report that we have a new batch ready for you to look at! I think this deserves two exclamation points!!

Step back with me in the O&J FarBack Machine, and let us travel back to a land that was known as not one, not two, but three Fridays ago. I know! I know…we are pushing the limits of the FarBack Machine, and you are worried that she may break apart. But I have no doubts in the machine, as I just changed the wiperblades last week, and they are totally good for like, 6 months. Alright. Here we are. Oh, did I tell you why it was that we were going so far back in the FarBack (seems kind of redundant to name it right there) machine?? What’s that?? I didn’t!! Well, let me correct that; we are going back to the wedding of Robbie & Carissa!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day, both Mother Nature brought the goods, and so did this wonderful Bride, Groom & Deluxe Wedding Party! It was a joy, a blast, and a hoot (which could just be called a Joasoot, for short), and we would like to spend the next few words singing the praises of this wonderful group! Alright, you’ve all waited long enough, and it’s time to look at shiny, happy pictures. So – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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